Who Can Join?
Scouting is a non-religious organisation that is open to everyone of all backgrounds. We meet at Manor Church but are not formerly affiliated with them so there is no requirement to attend church parades. The children within the Group are a complete mixture of those who come from devout background, some children who have no professed faith and still others who are non-practicing.
The members of our group’s social background cover the entire spectrum of Bermondsey. All our members wear the same uniform without worrying about the latest designer trainers and so on.
Your child benefits from meeting a completely new social circle outside of the children they go to school with.
Each section has a different uniform. The Beavers wear a blue jumper (hence the nickname “The Turquoise Ninjas”), Cubs a green jumper and the Scouts a green shirt. You can buy uniform online through http://www.scout-and-guide-shop.co.uk or from John Lewis on Oxford Street.
What We Supply
Badges and neckerchiefs are given to your child when they are invested into the Scout Movement which is when they make their promise in front of the whole Colony (Beavers), Pack (Cubs) or Troop (Scouts).
Our neckerchief is a royal blue with a golden yellow trim. Each group has a different colour neckerchief (necker) so they can be easily identified from a distance.
Safety And Protection
Child safety and protection is clearly top of our priorities. Every adult that regularly helps out (Leader, Occasional Helper or Parent) is required to undergo an enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check which covers not just past convictions but also allegations that have been made.
Safety is covered by a mixture of experience, training and referring to the Scouting rule book POR (Policy Organisation and Rules). You can read POR yourself.
If things do wrong all Leaders have a valid First Aid certificate which they renew every three years by attending refresher training courses.
Finally, all Leaders have to progress through a series of training modules, aiming to complete them within three years. Modules cover child protection, safety, program planning, GDPR and a number of others.
If you’d like your child to come along and try us out just contact us.